Kawai GFP-3

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148 €
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The Kawai GFP-3 Triple Pedal Unit gives your stage piano all the piano functionality, without the need to attach to a stand. Featuring half-damper support, this pedal unit is the perfect complement to your stage piano. This pedal is compatible with Kawai models MP11SE and MP7SE.

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The Kawai GFP-3 Triple Pedal Unit gives your stage piano all the piano functionality, without the need to attach to a stand. Featuring half-damper support, this pedal unit is the perfect complement to your stage piano. This pedal is compatible with Kawai models MP11SE and MP7SE.
Plus d’information
EAN 7100838758333
État new
Fabricant Kawai
Number of pedals 3
Kawai GFP-3
Kawai GFP-3
148 €